Changes Since Last FIRM

Draft Work Map Meeting and Changes Since Last Firm (CSLF) Available Now! Visit the project status page for each UCRB county for dates.

The Changes Since Last FIRM (CSLF) dataset helps communities understand changes to their flood maps and prepare for the upcoming flood map adoption process. This product is a geospatial dataset that identifies areas of floodplain and flood zone changes that have occurred since the previous flood map study.

The dataset captures areas where the floodplain and floodway have increased or decreased, as well as areas where the flood zone designation has changed (e.g., A to AE). In areas where the mapped flood hazard has changed, the engineering factors that may have contributed to that change will also be identified within the dataset. If parcel boundary or building footprint data is readily available, this product can be used to quantify and summarize the built environment affected by the change helping communties to locate previously unidentified areas at risk.

Types of Change

Areas of mapped flood hazard change fall into one of the following categories:

Types of Change
Number Category Description
6 FW Decrease Areas where the regulatory Floodway has decreased horizontally
5 FW Increase Areas where the regulatory Floodway has increased horizontally
4 SFHA Decrease Areas where the regualtory Special Flood Hazard Area has decreased horizontally
3 SFHA Increase Areas where the regualtory Special Flood Hazard Area has increased horizontally
2 Zone Change Areas where the Flood Zone designation has increased regulatory level. Ex Zone A --> Zone AE


Changes Since Last FIRM Illustration
Click the Links Below to See How CSLF is Created
Effective Flood Zones Proposed Flood Zones Changes Since Last Firm

Contact Us

You can submit comments and questions about the Georgia Flood Mapping Program to:

You can submit comments and questions about the Georgia Flood Mapping Program to:

Tom Shillock, CFM
State Floodplain Management Coordinator and NFIP Coordinator

Garrett Skinner
Project Manager

Shannon Brewer
Project Manager